In this body of work, I explore thoughts and questions about my relationship to Greece as a fourth generation Greek-American. What does it mean to be part of the omogenia (Greek diaspora) when the first and second generations are now gone? What are the roles of pop culture and the internet in building identity? What are the difficulties and joys of reclamation? For the past several years, I’ve used artwork to address these and other questions.
In December of 2018 I exhibited the early results of this exploration as part of Proof of Thought, an exhibition of work by the Good Manufacturing Collective in Grand Rapids, Michigan.
Temple of Zeus. Digitally manipulated 35mm photograph. 2016.
Columns. Animated GIF. 2018.
Made in Japan. Animated GIF. 2018.
Choose Your Character: Greece. Animated GIF. 2018.
How Greek Are You? Wooden eggs, spray paint, acrylic paint, ink on paper. 2018.
Just What is Our Melting Point? Greek feta cheese, Wisconsin cheese curds, hot plate. 2018.
Just What is Our Melting Point? Greek feta cheese, Wisconsin cheese curds, hot plate. 2018.
Who Would I Be in Thessaloniki? Digitally manipulated 35mm photograph. 2016.
Eikonoklastēs. Stain, paint, paper on wood. 2018.
Ancient History. Found object, digital print, photograph. 2018